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This round of updates was brought to you by the letter K on February 1st, 2013.

February good news

Back Across the Styx released

Out today: my novella about the son of Hades and Persephone, Charon's foster-daughter, and their adventure out of the underworld and into Ancient Greek military history, Back Across the Styx. Here's an excerpt:

Bion's mother was just about to leave to spend the rest of the year in the sunlit realms, and his father's mood was predictably doleful. Bion had never understood their relationship--they maintained a chilly silence when together, yet their parting was always preceded by a storm of recriminations on both sides. They unfailingly followed the same pattern, like two wary beasts circling each other endlessly.

Hades, diffident, as though everyone in the sunlit lands and the underworld alike didn't know of his love for her: "You don't have to go--"

A disdainful glance accompanied her acid response: "And why would I stay here? To be with you?"

Then his rising anger: "How can I make things better if you're never here?"

And her finishing blow: "Feed me more seeds, then! You could keep me here the entire year."

There was never anything Hades could say to that. It was the unforgivable act that would always come between them.

Bion watched them fight because the last thing his mother always did before departing was to give him a kiss, and he wanted to be there to receive it before she left. When he was younger, that small gesture had been all that kept him from believing she left the underworld to get away from him.

"Unsilenced" a Locus-recommended read

My fantasy novelette "Unsilenced" made it onto the Locus 2012 Recommended Reading List! I'm thrilled to have my name in such august company.

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